of taxes and tea

it's a sad thing to finally come of the age where you have finally completed school (all 19+ years of it), gotten a job that you can be proud of and have started to slowly make a dent in all the debt that said 19 years of school has provided...only to realize how significant we as Americans can be taxed.

reading my pay stub has given me a heart attack on a number of instances. it's not even that the percentage of the whole is so great... it has to do more with the fact that I've worked VERY hard for that money and in order to make sure everything I'm responsible for gets covered I would really appreciate the use of every cent of it. The worst is 'social security' tax...which the harsh reality is, I'll likely never see again. I know there are those out there that feel like taxes are the dues we have to pay to live in this great nation. And while I'll fully support our country through thick and thin, I see waste at every level of our government and I want it to stop. That's what upsets me, the fact that the dollars that I work 50 hours a week for, are frittered away on trips for SJL to attend Michael Jackson's funeral, to support those that would rather collect a check than take just any-ol' job (after 2 years of unemployment). For the kicker- after everything that has happened in the past two years. After insane unemployment that isn't going anywhere, after failed spending sprees for 'stimulus', after a million other ways my dollars were spent in pointless endeavors - rather than our congress/gov't saying 'hey, we realize everyone is tightening their belts and cutting back so we'll be responsible with your money and cut back as well'. No instead of that- they're pulling out our checkbooks and continuing to spend. How will they pay for it? well... they can't. There is simply no way that we are likely to dig ourselves out of this hole, but in their last ditch effort to 'appear' to be trying... the president will raise taxes to raise more money for more fruitless gov't spending sprees. joy.

I was trying to get a listing of the various impacts that the increase in taxes on Jan 2011 will have and stumbled across this site . I didn't spend a lot of time reading through everything but i found the article towards the bottom of the page... Erskine Bowles and Judd Gregg Call for
Massive, $26.7 Trillion Tax Hike

Read more: http://www.atr.org/##ixzz0uqfCNOrt

The reality is that, EVERYONE will be hit with these new taxes. Whether it's directly through the tax bracket or capital gains tax (remember this can include your 401k at some point depending on future legislation) or through an increased cost of living when small business's have to pass on their higher taxes, or even if it's through the decrease of the dependant allowance (yup, mom and dad's go ahead and take that measly 1k and drop it to $500, because THAT makes it even) it will hit EVERYONE. well, anyone that pays taxes - all half of the population of us.

The reality is we're not in a good place, we're teetering on the edge of the point of no return. Once more people don't pay taxes than do, once it's harder and harder to get ahead financially that people give up and accept the status quo, we'll wake up one day and no longer the the America we once were.

Sometimes we look back at the founding of our country and can't imagine the hard times they went through to achieve their freedom. The blood, sweat and tears that went into setting down what they believe in and standing behind it come hell or high water.

The scary thing is, that we're probably closer to that time than any of us would really like to believe...

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